Project Status
In 2016, ODOT launched an effort to re-examine and reprioritize transportation needs within the Segments II and III study area. As part of this work, ODOT completed multiple studies to evaluate current roadway conditions throughout the Segments II and III study area. Data collected includes traffic volumes, travel time, congestion and crash data. In addition, ODOT conducted both an interactive, online survey and six Focus Area workshops in communities throughout the study area to gather public input on community values, transportation priorities, and transportation problem areas. The information gathered was used to identify transportation needs for the area, each of which have been placed into one of two categories:
PRIMARY NEEDS – Needs which will be addressed as part of the Eastern Corridor Program of transportation improvements
SECONDARY NEEDS – Needs that may be addressed as part of the Eastern Corridor Program of transportation improvements
The results of this study are discussed in detail in the Eastern Corridor Segments II and III Transportation Needs Analysis Final Report, July 2017. Links to maps depicting transportation needs identified in Segments II and III, presented by Focus Area, are provided below:
Transportation Need Maps
ANCOR/SR 32 Hill Area (revised, July 2017)
Village of Newtown Focus Area (revised, July 2017)
SR 125/SR 32 Focus Area (revised, July 2017)
US 50 Corridor Focus Area (revised, July 2017)
US 50/Red Bank Interchange Focus Area (revised, July 2017)
US 50 Corridor Focus Area (revised, July 2017)
Currently, ODOT is working with Advisory Committees comprised of local community representatives and planners to develop solutions to the transportation needs identified. Concepts under consideration take into account existing physical, environmental and funding considerations as well as community values. Improvement recommendations will be shared for public review and comment later this fall (2018) before being finalized.
It is anticipated that transportation improvements in Segments II and III will be completed as separate projects and will be constructed as they are approved and receive funding.
More information about this process and current activity is posted in the Advisory Committee section of the Public Involvement page.